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Shipit! Presents YJIT: Building a New JIT Compiler for CRuby | Shopify Engineering
RubyConf 2021 - YJIT - Building a new JIT Compiler inside CRuby by Maxime Chevalier Boisvert
YJIT: Dive into Ruby's JIT compiler written in Rust
How to use the Ruby 2.6 Just-in-Time (JIT) Compiler
RubyConf 2022: Exit(ing) Through the YJIT by Eileen M Uchitelle
[EN] Fitting Rust YJIT into CRuby / Alan Wu @alanwusx
Why does YJIT matter?
RubyConf 2021 - Compiling Ruby to Native Code with Sorbet & LLVM by Jake Zimmerman & Trevor Elliott
10 Minutes with YJIT - Adam Rice
A JIT compiler for Ruby with Aaron Patterson | Open Source Thursdays
RubyConf 2021 - Optimizing Production Performance with MRI JIT by Takashi Kokubun
Why Shopify's engineering team stuck with Ruby when rewriting the storefront